

We don’t care if you only shop at thrift stores. And we don’t care if you read nothing but classic novels. It is not important to us whether you are thirteen or thirty four, foreign or native, thin or overweight, straight or gay. We will not judge you. It does not matter to us what kind of haircut you have, what sort of statement you're making while you lead a vegan lifestyle or if you love steaks and fried eggs. Love sex, hate drugs, do cocaine, listen to Indie Rock or Pop music. We are not interested in how superior your taste in underground music is. We couldn’t care less if you’re wearing Urban Outfitters jeans, thrift shoes, or a Hollister polo. It is not important to us whether you are a writer, a dreamer, a painter, a gas station clerk, or if you’re living off food stamps. We don’t give a shit if you’re a hippie, a half-assed hipster, an atheist, a devoted Christian, wealthy, dirty, Catholic, homeless, Jewish, Buddhist, a smoker, a drinker, clean, or shy. We will not judge you. It doesn’t matter to us how extensive your vocabulary may be, which independent films you’ve seen, what books you’ve read, how your IQ is. We will still open this door for you, because that is what makes sense to us. This is what has always made sense to us. Our music is for anyone who wants to enjoy and for everyone who wants to party.

This text was adapted by TOM & COLLINS from its original version, the real author is unknown.


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